lost in distraction

what will you do when the distraction ends
when suddenly the world stands still

what will you do when it punches your gut
and all you can do is keep breathing
just barely

what will you do when there’s nowhere to hide
when you choke on your fear, alone

what will you do when the story ends
without you

what will you do when sleep will not come
when you reach out and find nothing

what will you do when something frightens you
and scares you through the night

what will you do when there’s no words left
when everything around you crumbles

what will you do when all the color has drained
and only grey remains

what will you do when the light leaves you life
and leaves you alone in the dark

what will you do when there’s no one to share
no laughter no warmth and no life

you drown on your tears and you choke on your breath
and you wish your heart was dead and deaf

Live the Moment

Random Thoughts & Mantras – Savour the Moment

Today no poetry. Just some poetic toughts and mantras to make your life worth living.
I think I will make a series of this. Let me know what You think.

Savour the Moment.

When You are about to do something or experience something with someone don’t fret about the future, don’t let Your wristwatch or mobile ruin the experience. Just savour the Moment and let what may come, come! Be open for changes in Your plans. Experience, Savour, Live, Love and take it in with an open mind and heart. It will give You way more than any plan you might want to stick to.

If You are always thinking of what comes next it will blind You to the beauty of the moment. Don’t try to push Yourself to stick to the plan you made during your leisure time. To experience the moment at it’s fullest You need to be in the moment.  That’s impossible if You are looking at Your watch all the time thinking: “Oh… we need to hurry up, in 20 minutes we have to be there and then there and then there.” Try to be open about your schedule. Enjoy the time You have with whomever you have around you no matter if it’s Your spouse, Your friends, Your lover or just Yourself. Time is precious, yes, but if You run around all day without actually living the moments, making memorys of them, it is worthless. You will have done a lot of stuff but will have experienced nothing.

Live the Moment. Love the Moment. Experience the Moment. Feel Yourself in the Moment. Make a Memory!